Actio Help

Filter Bar

The filter bar is shown in List, Detail and Page Views and it allows the quick selection of those actions that are important to you.


The table describes the functions of each of the buttons in the filter bar.

ButtonFunctionMore Information
Refresh filters. If on (flashing red) then the filtered list may not be showing the correct items (e.g. due to adding a new item or changing its due date, flag or owner). Click the icon to refresh the list.
RAGs. The drop down list allows you to select and de-select colours or groups of colours to filter the projects of interest. Current is a popular filter as it removes items that have been closed for a while or are a long time in the future.
Flags. The drop down list allows you to select one or more flags to filter. “Any flag” shows all those items that have any flag showing.
Owners. Select one or more owners to filter. This drop down only shows owners that are present within this project.
Logic. Filtering on more than one parameter uses boolean logic specifically AND & OR. See the Logic box below.
  • All: Shows all folders, whether or not there are any actions contained within the folder after filtering.
  • Active: Only shows folders that contain some actions after filtering.
  • None: Hides all folders and just shows the resultant filtered actions.
Favorites. If you have a favorite combination of flags that you like to return to (e.g. My current actions) you can set the filters and save them by pressing the save favorite button. You can restore the favourite setting at any time by pressing the restore favourite

Missing Actions?

Missing actions are usually the result of not realising that a particular type of filter has been turned on. Your project still has the action, it is just not displaying it. Actio tries to capture any new or changed actions in the current view - even if the filter should remove it. You can refresh the filters by pressing the refresh button in the Filter bar.


If you select multiple choices within a parameter e.g. Red Flag and Blue Flag then the actions filtered will be those that show either a Red Flag OR a Blue flag.

If you select multiple parameters, then the type of logic used is dependent upon the Logic filter settings.

The AND function only shows an action if all of the selected parameters are present. E.G. To answer the question “Show me all of John’s actions that are Overdue” you would set RAG filter to Overdue, Owner to John and Logic to AND.

The OR function shows an action if any of the selected parameters are present E.G. To answer the question “Show me all of the actions that are Due Today or are Flagged Red” you would set the RAG filter to Due Today, Flag to Red and Logic to OR.

Typically you will use the default AND setting to focus in on critical projects.