Actio Help

Repeat Tab

Status Repeat Tab

The repeat tab allows the setting of 

Field Functions

FieldFunctionMore Information
Repeat Frequency Repeat frequency - allows setting of different periods of repeat - from daily to yearly.
Repeat Forever Never allows the repeat to continue forever.
Repeat For After - allows you to enter the number of times you wish the event to be repeated.
Repeat Until On date - allows a specific date to be set, beyond which there will be no more repeats. Click the date field to open a pop-up calendar.
Repeat Anniversary Anniversary - enabled if the repeat is yearly. Allows entry of anniversary details.
Anniversary Type Birthday Birthday - enter the year of birth and subtitles will show the age.
Anniversary Type Wedding Wedding - enter the year of the wedding and subtitles will show the associated stone.
Anniversary Type Flower Flower - enter the year of the first event and subtitles will show the associated flower.
Anniversary Type Other Other - enter the year of the first event and subtitles will show the name of significant years.

The Date List

Date List

The date list shows any repeat dates that have been created by the settings on the left hand side of the tab. It also allows the input, editing and deletion of manually entered multiple dates and sub-titles.

The Parts Bar button at the bottom of the list allows dates to be manually entered or deleted. Manually entered dates are indicated in the list with the small + symbol next to the date.

Sub-titles are automatically generated by Actio according to the period chosen and the type of anniversary chosen. In addition you can manually over-ride the default sub-title by clicking into the sub-title field and typing a new one.