Actio Help

Save Projects

Save and SaveAs

Projects can be saved in several ways:

  1. File Menu > Save - saves the file immediately.
  2. File Menu > SaveAs - allows the name and location of the file to be chosen.
  3. Click the Parts Bar sign in the project window toolbar.
  4. Click and hold the drop down menu next to the Save button in the project window toolbar and select Save or SaveAs.

Note that using SaveAs does not change the name of the project within the project window.


AutoSave is turned on in Actio Preferences.
This will automatically save the project every 5 minutes.

Save Project Windows.

Actio can save the current open windows and the current items selected. Re-opening the project will re-open all the windows and place the current working position and selection in the front most window. This selection can be made in File Settings.